Happy Teacher Scholarship
On behalf of the community, we would like to thank Dao Huynh and Family for establishing a $1000 annual scholarship to be distributed via RVA Annual Community Day, in memory of their father.
The RVA Community Day recognizes and rewards the best academic achievements by young people in our community. This year’s Community Day will be held in August (exact date/location will be announced later).
Below is the letter from Dao Huynh and Family announcing this scholarship:
April 20, 2012
To Richmond Vietnamese Association:
On behalf of Dieu Huynh-Vuong’s family we would like to donate $1000 to the community day event in honor and memory of our beloved lather. He passed away
from Leukemia in 2008 and is greatly missed since. We would like to continue the
scholarship every year. His nickname was happy teacher coined by his beloved students, hence We would like to call it the “Happy Teacher Scholarship".
Our father was a great teacher who had taught many students whom are now very successful all over the world. His methods and discipline toward higher education was very apparent growing up. He strongly believed in education and had always pushed us to excel in schools and in business. We are all successful because his teachings but most importantly better people. He taught us compassion, kindness, hard work, respect and giving back.
Our family had benefited greatly his teachings and we hope this scholarship will inspire and help other young kids to reach further to achieve their goals and ultimately be even better people. We donated to many charities and many previous community day events and we know he would be happy because of it.
Thank you for continuing to do great things for our community.
Dao Huynh & Family